Welcome to our home page!

DESAX Engineering

Sala 4, CH 7204 Untervaz, Schweiz, Tel: +41 81 3300 118, fax: 119



Tension - Force:

Speed &. other:

Pruf &. Test:

Production - Service:

Air &. AC:

TS 1995


QC - 5

Printing table heating

TS 205 P


Elongation Tester DP-5

TS 205 R10

TS 205 R15

Hardness tester

Air permeability

TS 205 R15 CM

Climatic unit

We are one Swiss Company and produce precise TENSION &.
force measuring devices, hand held &. online instrument for the
textile-, feinwire- &. Cabel- industry.
Since 30 year all electronic TENSIONMETER TENSION STAR
are been made according our principle.

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